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May 05, 2011 -  National News Release


It is with great pride and determination that we announce the release of ‘The Original Silent Heroes Autograph Book’.


Wellington, FL - Recognizing the work of our US military personnel, we have devised a unique and innovative tool for our children to honor our men and women of the armed forces. It is time we turn our attention to the real heroes, the ones who protect us from harm, and allow us to live in a safe and secure homeland. They work silently, without glory, and under the most extreme working conditions. Our goal is to start a revolution in this country, a revolution of showing our gratitude to the people who deserve it the most.


A decade long dream was realized in 2011 with the publication of the ‘The Silent Heroes Autograph Book,’ a simple, yet effective tool in which you can approach military personnel and thank them in a way that is genuine and unique. Code named “Operation Thank You”… Seek out soldiers at airports, parades, or anywhere you might find them. Ask them for their autograph, watch the reaction, and feel the sense of goodness inside by doing a good deed. The feeling will be contagious, and you will want to find the next soldier and do it again.


Due to the overwhelming support of this book project, the original concept has created a second equally important component, code-named “Operation Thinking of You”. Dedicate an autograph book to a soldier, and collectively fill the book with notes, drawings, etc. Once completed, send the book overseas to that soldier.   If you do not have a particular soldier in mind, send it anonymously with help from the web-site.


This book was painstakingly reviewed and revised to meet the standards that Americans deserve. For example:


·         Completely manufactured, and packaged in the United States of America, including the pen.

·         Conscientious effort to use environmentally friendly paper, as evidenced by the FSC stamp of approval.

·         The use of actual soldiers to adorn the cover, and pages of the book.

·         The approval of the Department of Defense.

·         Proceeds to benefit US Military Support Organizations.

·         An affordable price.


What makes this book stand out? In addition to its unique purpose, you will find there is a lot more to this book than meets the eye. For example, each page has a gratitude-themed quote for reflection on the books ideals. Our “States Edition” creates a fun way to sort autographs by a soldier’s hometown. Even the little things make this book impressive.   Try flipping the pages where the flag is located in the corner and you will witness the flag waving in the breeze.


You will also notice that each book has a unique serial number. This serial number allows a book owner to register their book on the www.silentheroesautographbook.com website. Not only will this give book owners the opportunity to receive or take part in additional promotions, but it will allow users to create “pen-pals” and share photos on-line.


For example, a child purchases a book, and passes it amongst classmates or friends. He registers the book and sends the book to a soldier overseas. The receiving soldier register’s the book creating an instant connection between the sender and recipient of the book. They can communicate via simple text messaging, with the ability to share photos. The best part about this interaction is that it is actively monitored. Knowing that children are involved, each message and photo upload MUST be approved by the staff at Silent Heroes before the post is made available to the parties. The protection of privacy and the need for a safe environment for our children is a paramount concern, as evidenced by the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions policy which can be viewed at www.silentheroesautographbook.com.


Let me repeat: Our goal is to start a revolution in this country, a revolution of showing our gratitude to the people who deserve it the most.   Help us achieve this goal by spreading the word.


SILENT HEROES, is a small publishing company based in Wellington, FL. Situated in a rural equestrian area on the outskirts of West Palm Beach, FL, this company is a family-owned business formed solely to provide effective tools for showing its gratitude and appreciation for our Silent Heroes. Through the use of these tools, we hope to raise awareness, as well as monetary funds to support military support organizations throughout the country.


For Interview requests, or more information, please contact Stacey Schoenfeld at 800-753-5126.


Silent Heroes
1111 Northumberland Ct
Wellington FL 33414
(800) 753-5126

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